I have finally made the decision to let this blog page go dormant.  I will keep the domain live, so that you can still find the page and access its content.  However, I will no longer pay to block adds, nor will I be adding new content.  From now on, I will concentrate all my blogging efforts here:

On The Road To Concord

If you wish to find my writing, look for it there.  Otherwise, thank you for having followed this blog, and stay safe.


I Think I Lost My Oldest Friend — And That’s OK With Me

I think I recently lost the oldest friend I have.  We’ve known each other since I was in the 9th grade.  He’s really the only friend I still have who knew me when I was in my youth, which is a valuable thing to have as we grow older.  However, the recent Presidential election created a rift between us and, a little more than a week ago, I believe that rift turned into a chasm that neither of us may ever be able to bridge.  If you’ll please give me a few minutes of your time, I’d like to share the details of my loss with you. Continue reading “I Think I Lost My Oldest Friend — And That’s OK With Me”

A Troubling Conversation With Respected Brothers

I recently had a troubling Facebook conversation with two brothers who I have come to respect.  The conversation basically centered around the idea of using the commentaries of other people to lead Bible study.  The basic issue seemed to be split between the notion of plagiarism and the notion that, if a person is wrong on any single point in their understanding, then everything they understand should be held suspect and — therefore — ignored.  There was also something about rejecting the ‘opinion’ of those who have any formal schooling in Scripture studies in favor of the ‘conclusions’ drawn by those who rely on the Holy Spirit to tell them what the Scriptures mean.  I know these two brothers mean well, and their heart is in the correct place, but there was so much wrong in this conversation that troubled me.  It still does… Continue reading “A Troubling Conversation With Respected Brothers”

What Do We Mean By ‘Super Natural?’

When most people think about things such as God, heaven and the spiritual world, they think in terms of what we like to call, ‘the super natural.’  For many, the idea of accepting the possibility that the ‘super natural’ might be real is beyond their ability to accept.  And yet, for whatever reason, many of those same people have no problem accepting the possibility that other dimensions might exist.  If you were to ask them, they might point to the mathematical models that suggest there are additional dimensions to our universe.  Others might claim that science has proven the existence of parallel universes.  These people cannot actually touch, see, feel, measure or test these additional dimensions or parallel universes, so their belief cannot be based in science. But yet, they can still accept that these things might be real while rejecting any possibility of the spiritual ‘super natural.’  Why is this? Continue reading “What Do We Mean By ‘Super Natural?’”


If we look at what is happening to our world today with nothing but human understanding, then we are never going to get the full picture.  Sure, we will be able to point to parts of it, and we could probably do so with a great deal of clarity. But no matter how clearly we see the parts, we will never be able to integrate them – at least, not without going full ‘conspiracy theory,’ which is why accusing people of being a conspiracy theorist is so effective at discrediting them. Continue reading “WE ARE WITNESSING THE PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN SOCIETY”

A Quick Update

To Those Who Still Follow Me;

Apparently, I am not going to be able to make the changes to my blogging that I had hoped to make.  I still want to add video clips and podcasts to my blogging efforts, but it is going to have to wait until some things change in my world.  As of this moment, I simply do not have the technical support structure necessary to make the things I want to do into a reality. Continue reading “A Quick Update”

And So We’ll Begin

I have several blog pages. In the beginning, the idea was to use each one to focus on a specific area of interest, or related subjects. One blog was focused on Natural Law and the principles of liberty as the American Founders understood them. Another blog was supposed to focus on Scripture, and Biblical topics. A third blog was meant to focus on applying the principles from the first two blogs to the events of the day: a Scripture-based political commentary, if you will. The hope was that, as the blogs grew, they would become repositories of information that others could use to help them better understand our world, and to then help others to do the same. Unfortunately, I never put in the time and effort necessary to bring the idea to fruition. Well, that changes now. Continue reading “And So We’ll Begin”